Athletic Schedule
This link will allow you to add the full athletic schedule to your phone or calendar service. From an apple iOS device, simply click on the link. From an android device, search the app store for “ICal Sync 2” and download. Follow the steps to add this calendar through the URL. From other calendar services, search for a setting to add subscribed calendars and use this link as the address for the subscribed calendar.
Complete Athletic Calendar:
Get Sports Cancellation Alerts
Login to the website below. Create an account for yourself. Choose your favorite school and teams under favorites. Then click on alerts. You can receive text or email notifications about event cancellations in real time. Please note that practices are not included in this service.
For more instructions to add this iCalendar Feed to iPhone, iPad, or iPod:
For instructions how to add this iCalendar Feed to your Google Calendar:
Additional steps for Android:
Once you add the iCalendar Feed to your Google Calendar you are then able to sync to your Android device. You must have your Google account calendar sync enabled, then open your calendar app and enable the new calendar.